Meter Point

Taking meter read automation one step further!
MeterPoint has been especially designed for, and in conjunction with our copier clients to provide considerable time and cost savings.
Specifically developed to provide vast improvements in the management and accuracy in the click count process, this product provides a massive transformation in the way copier clients will operate in the future.
In essence, MeterPoint processes the printer click counts received by email into a file that is easily imported into Signature’s enterprise ICE product.
Currently, a typical business manually enters large volumes of email data received from their contract printers. This process takes an exceptional amount of time and due to its tedious nature, can result in unnecessary staff inefficiencies and data inaccuracy. MeterPoint accurately compiles the email data quickly and remove the need for manual data entry.
As a result, significant financial benefits are gained from the reduced labour costs with further value added by way of much reduced costly and brand damaging re-work. The Return on Investment (ROI) on MeterPoint is immediate from the first day of installation.
The current version is supported within Outlook 2003 & 2007 and works with multiple printer types. The MeterPoint interface is simple and includes context sensitive help information including an outline of full functionality and associated business rules for each printer type.
MeterPoint supports most industry printer brands and models with constant development in Australia for new printer products.
Contact our sales team on +61 3 8412 8600 or by email for more information